Happy Birthday to The Boss: Bruce Springsteen at 75

Tanti auguri Bruce, che tu possa regalarci ancora tanti sogni, emozioni, poesia e divertimento.

by Gianluca Tramontano

Happy birthday Bruce, may you still give us so many dreams, emotions, poetry and fun!

Happy Birthday to The Boss: Bruce Springsteen at 72

Tanti auguri Bruce, che tu possa regalarci ancora tanti sogni, emozioni, poesia e divertimento.

by Gianluca Tramontano

Happy birthday Bruce, may you still give us so many dreams, emotions, poetry and fun!

Happy Birthday to The Boss: Bruce Springsteen at 71

Tanti auguri Bruce, che tu possa regalarci ancora tanti sogni, emozioni, poesia e divertimento.

by Gianluca Tramontano

Happy birthday Bruce, may you still give us so many dreams, emotions, poetry and fun!