La maggior parte dei fans di Bruce conosce certamente il brano che Eric Church dedicò nel 2012 al Boss, intitolandolo esplicitamente “Springsteen” e che ebbe un discreto successo arrivando al n. 1 delle classifiche Country, Top 20 Pop. Ma non tutti sanno, probabilmente, che Springsteen è citato nei testi di moltissime altre canzoni, ben prima e dopo di allora. Tante le citazioni dirette a Bruce, a Springsteen, o al Boss nel testo o nel titolo addirittura; tante quelle indirette alle sue canzoni, con snippet o interi versi ripresi. In alcuni casi Bruce compare come un personaggio stesso della canzone come in “My Life Is Good” di Randy Newman o in “Talkin’ Woody, Bob, Bruce & Dan Blues” di Dan Bern. In altri, c’è un riferimento alla sua musica, (come in “Grey Cortina” di Tom Robinson o “Listen to the Eight Track” di Ian Hunter) o al suo aspetto (come in “Stars Tonight” di Lady Antebellum o la maliziosa “Badlands” di Norma. Altre volte, Bruce è citato come simbolo degli ideali americani (“It’s America” di Rodney Atkins) e modello di songwriter (“Kid Inside” di John Mellencamp, già nel 1977 quando era conosciuto come John Cougar). Rick Springfield lo cita scherzosamente in un brano, in cui racconta che le persone – e persino la sua ragazza –a causa del suo cognome lo confondono con il Boss. Ma quante e quali sono le canzoni che citano Bruce Springsteen? Talmente tante che divideremo questa rubrica in varie parti, rispettando un ordine cronologico che coprirà l’arco di tempo che va dalla fine degli anni 70 ad oggi. Ogni titolo è di seguito accompagnato da nome dell’autore, dall’anno di pubblicazione, dal video del brano, da alcune note esplicative o, in corsivo, dai versi in cui compare la citazione a Springsteen. Tra le tantissime parodie, sono state incluse solo quelle più popolari.
Johnny Cougar Mellencamp “The Kid Inside” (1977)
Well, it’s the same reaction in every situation
Do you really think it’s so necessary to be so mean?
Yeah, and it’s hard for me to justify my position
When everything that I’m saying can be said about Mr. Springsteen
N.b. L’album sebbene registratonel 1977 è stato pubblicto nel 1983
Tom Robinson Band “Grey Cortina” (1978)
Furlined seats and lettered windscreen
Elbow on the windowsill
Eight track blazing Brucie Springsteen
Bomber jacket, dressed to kill
Half Japanese “Ann Arbor, MI” (1979)
Kiss me now and if you want to later on we’ll open the window and put on Springsteen wake up Ann Arbor
The Young Lords “5 Feet Heroes” (1980)
Bruce was chasing the factory girls along the boardwalk every night
The Phil Bernardi Band “I Like Jersey Best” (1981)
Some states have their rock stars but Springsteen beats them all
BAP “Frau, ich freu mich” (1981)
Hann ming Fingernaejel baal bess ahn de Schultern affjekäut un die Kassett vum Springsteen ald zem zehnte Mohl erinnjedeut
Ian Hunter “Listen to the Eight Track” (1981)
Oh sometimes I get a woman in here
And I put on Bruce Springsteen’s new double album
Rick Springfield “Bruce” (1981)
Il testo è tutto incentrato sulla somiglianza del cognome del cantante (Springfield) con quello del Boss, e sulla confusione che genera nelle persone. Persino la sua ragazza nell’intimità lo chiama “Bruce”. Tantissimi sono i riferimenti a Springsteen, dalla copertina di “Time” a Born To Run.
Dead Kennedys “Terminal Preppie” (1982)
Filled With Springsteen And Wine
Randy Newman “My Life is Good” (1983)
Is Mr. Bruce Springsteen
That’s right, yeah
Oh, we talked about some kind of woodblock or something
And this new guitar we like
And you know what he said to me
I’ll tell you want he said to me
He said, “Rand, I’m tired.
How would you like to be the Boss for awhile?”
Well, yeah
Blow, big man, blow
My life is good
Red Hot Chili Peppers “She’s Only 18” (1983)
She’s only 18
Don’t like the Rolling Stones
She took a short cut
To being fully grown
She’s got that mood ring
A little sister rose
The smell of Springsteen
A pair of pantyhose
Exxplorer “Metal Detectors” (1984)
They listen to Springsteen, it’s gone to their head
Bagatelle “Johnny Set Em Up” (1985)
I’ll put away my Springsteen and Tom Waits
Joe Piscopo “New Jersey” (1985)
Parody of “Born To Run”
LL Cool J “Rock the Bells” (1985)
The bells are wippin’ and rippin’ at your body and soul
Why do you like Cool J (it ain’t Rock ‘N’ Roll)
‘Cause it ain’t the glory days with Bruce Springsteen
I’m not a virgin so I know I’ll make Madonna scream
You hated Michael and Prince all the way, ever sense
Lady Pank “Made In Homo” (1986)
Najnowszy krążek Bruce’a Springstina
Adrenalin O.D. “Fuck The Neighbors” (1986)
Standing with my old man, preparing the playlist, Springsteen on, maybe some Miles Davis
Rodgau Monotones “Doppelganger” (1986)
Mann nennt mich eh den Springsteen von der DAG
Egotrip “Arlequim” (1987)
Então toco, faço o meu som, não sou o Springsteen, Ou um Rolling Stone
John Wesley Harding “Bastard Son” (1988)
Bruce and James were family friends
Took my mind to Carolina through the New Jersey bends
Gave me a harmonica when I was three
Nailed a banjo to my knees
Now Bruce is a foreman and James is a slave
Bruce gave in and James just gave up
Prefab Sprout “Cars and Girls” (1988)
Brucie dreams life’s a highway too many roads bypass my way
Or they never begin. Innocence coming to grief
At the hands of life – Stinkin’ car thief, that’s my concept of sin
Does heaven wait all heavenly over the next horizon ?
Black Knights “Watch Out Mr. Springsteen” (1988)
Gillan-Glover “Via Miama” (1988)
You Wanna a ticket to the moon baby don’t you know I’d even get a ticket to a Springsteen show
The Traveling Wilburys “Tweeter and the Monkey Man” (1988)
“She made secret calls to the Monkey Man from a mansion on the hill”
“It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel”
Gregson & Collister “(Don’t Step In) My Blue Suede Shoes” (1989)
The Boss is in the factory pouring out his hits
George Ringsgwandl “Dear Placido Domingo” (1989)
Heit spuit da Bruce Springsteen, der gibt uns die Ehr Der ladet seine Freunde ein zu einem Top Open Air Er hat geheiratet, und zwar ein teures Fotomodell
So eine Dame kostet Geld, die wohnt im First-Class-Hotel Da braucht der Bruce massig Kohle, das sehe ich ein Und zahl ihm an der Abendkasse gerne fuchzig, Markl ein Der Springsteen ist ein Muster an Hoeflichkeit
Fatzo & The Wait Wotschers “Bruce Springsteen” (1989)
Jon English, “Always The Busker” (1989)
The bright side is I can still work anywhere, ‘cause Springsteen and I have the same crowds each day, guess the only real difference is how much they pay
Luis Eduardo Aute “La Guerra Que Vendrà” (1989)
Y que la Glasnot marca el paso cuando Springsteen canta “Born In USA”